It's been raining for about two hours now, and if you haven't been keeping up with the redundantly tortuous weather of South Texas this summer, you wouldn't understand what a miracle this is.
Yesterday it rained throughout the morning as well as I taught grammar to eighth graders which, of course, is much less exciting and novel than rain in San Antonio. I didn't blame the students; all I wanted to do was be at home on the couch reading my book.
I woke up this morning with a sore throat, and with a little prompting from Tommy, I called in sick. So today I was at home in bed reading my book when the heavens let loose on my roof. I opened the blinds and snuggled back in, giving a fleeting (and a bit triumphant) thought to my students working on a grammar lesson in my classroom.
I can see the soccer fields pooling with water from the upstairs window, the sky is solid gray, patches of green are reawakening from the dust in my sad little backyard, and these are lovely sights to tired eyes.